Sunday, March 26, 2017

Great Journal Article analyzing PD

  • 5 features of effective PD: content focus, active learning, coherence, sustained duration, collective participation
  • Insights to improve implementation of PD based on the above features:
    • Small, simple changes are easier than large, complicated changes
    • PD should be calibrated to individual teacher needs
    • PD is more successful when it is explicitly linked to classroom lessons
    • Teachers are more likely to use ideas and strategies from PD when they are aligned with leadership priorities
  • Challenges
    • Coherence of PD over time
    • Connecting PD to the classroom
    • Measuring effectiveness of PD
  • Conclusions
    • establishing periodic monitoring and feedback loops is essential (creates a cycle of continuous improvement
    • Evaluate PD rigorously to increase understanding of why some PD activities are effective and others aren’t

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Graphic Organizers on Google Slides

Google Slides is a wonderful tool for creating Graphic Organizers, both digitally or printed. The digital versions are also a great addition to HyperDocs. Here is a folder of templates I have created. Below are some examples: